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For more than 15 years New Hope International has partnered with Bible Centered Ministries, resulting in over 4,000 Sunday school teachers being trained and equipped for ministry throughout Eastern Europe. In recent years In Step with the Master Teacher has gone a step further in training nationals throughout Eastern Europe to train more national workers within their own countries.
Hank Paulson (United States)
, New Hope International
, New Hope International
Donetsk Christian University, in partnership with BCM International, hosted In Step With the Master Teacher and Train the Trainer seminars for 3 consecutive years. During these 3 years, DCU teachers taught ISMT to over 100 students….not only at DCU main campus, but also at DCU’s extension site and at our partner churches all over Ukraine. All in all, ISMT was well received in Ukraine.
Sergei V. Solokha (Ukraine) Academic Dean, Donetsk Christian University
The In Step with the Master Teacher training program is Bible centered, and the topics are simple. Even the lay people can understand without any difficulty.
Ben Toshi (India)
Christian Education Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of India
Christian Education Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of India
In a day when so many are looking to the next entertaining video series or searching for latest curriculum being marketed to the church, BCM International is targeting the only solution… training the next generation of disciple-making, Spirit-led teachers! Exceptional children’s ministry is the by-product of exceptional teachers and In Step with the Master Teacher is an exceptionally powerful teacher training tool.
Jon Melin (United States) President
By Design Ministries International
By Design Ministries International
All of us who were present, can say that we learned much. We were encouraged and even challenged to look and see the great need to reach millions of children around us. This marked the beginning of a new direction in the life of Bible Centered Fellowship children’s ministry… ISMT also opened doors of opportunity to partner with other churches and organisations working together for the cause of children.
Gerlyn DeJesus (Philippines) Children’s Ministry Director, Bible Centered Fellowship
We were greatly encouraged by the responses from the participants. What was an even greater blessing was to receive calls and e-mails from the participants, who immediately began using the literature and manuals we provided to further train their own workers in their respective churches. This was what [Train the Trainer] was all about! To train and inspire teachers to multiply their workers!
Dimitrie Todoroff (Bulgaria) Director, New Hope Bulgaria
Church leaders often tell me they’re overwhelmed and too busy to plan teacher training sessions. That’s why I recommend In Step with the Master Teacher. It will efficiently and effectively help you train, whether you consider yourself an excellent and experienced teacher or not. ISMT is easy to use – everything is provided for experienced or inexperienced leaders – whether you’re sharing with five teachers in a small church or 250 in a large one. ISMT is thorough and comprehensive – it’s a… Read more
Dr. Kathy Koch (United States)
President, Celebrate Kids Inc.
President, Celebrate Kids Inc.
For seasoned educators and rookie teachers alike, ISMT is a superb resource for all who minister to children. It is also a great value for 22 hours of quality training. I was so pleased with the selection of topics and the discipleship focus. ISMT provides much more than anything else available!
Mark Steiner (United States)
President, Discipleland Curriculum
President, Discipleland Curriculum